Make Grand Central Cyberspace Your Start Page

Now that you've played with Grand Central Cyberspace, the ultimate start page, why not make it your start or home page. It's easy, follow the simple directions below and start with gcc every time you start your browser. Setting gcc as your start page let's you decide where to go quickly. At gcc we make the Internet easy; you are just 1 click away from everything!

From Netscape Communicator

1. Go to the Edit menu and click on "Preferences."
2. In the category tree on the left, click on Navigator.
3. Where it says: "Navigator starts with," make sure "Home Page" is marked.
4. In the field marked "Location," type

From Netscape Navigator 3.x

1. Go to the Options menu and click on "General Preferences."
2. Click on the Appearance tab.
3. Where it says: "Browser Starts With," make sure "Home Page Location" is marked.
4. In the field underneath, type

From Internet Explorer 4.0

1. Go to the View menu and click on "Internet Options."
2. Click on the General Tab.
3. In the field where it says "Address," type

From Internet Explorer 3.x

1. Go to the View menu and click on "Options."
2. Click on the Navigation tab.
3. Where it says "Page," find "Start Page" in the scroll-down window.
4. In the field where it says "Address," type

© 1998-00, Unicus Services,
Revised - March 1, 2000